The Cannata Report’s June Young Influencer issue features a virtual panel of six past Young Influencers. In that feature, these still youthful…
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Young Influencers 2021: Upward Mobility
by Sharon Tosto Esker & Kate GraggThe next generation makes its mark. The Cannata Report is proud to present our 2021 Young Influencers. All six of this year’s…
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Virtual Panel Series: Experience Counts
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenOver the course of The Cannata Report’s Young Influencer franchise, we have profiled dozens of young people in our industry, all under the age of 40. We have an excellent track…
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Young Influencer: the Millennial Mindset
by CJ Cannataby CJ CannataThe generally accepted definition of a millennial is someone born between 1981 and 1996. Today, even the youngest millennials have been in the workforce for a few…
When Kia Robinson arrived at the career fair hosted by her university at the Garden City Hotel in Long Island, she looked around and noticed a long line snaking…
Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to have worked with great people from a wide variety of backgrounds and beliefs, some of whom…
Throughout North America, the number of women holding leadership positions in enterprises of all sizes is increasing tremendously. Because…
Now, more than ever, diversity and inclusion are vital keys to success in today’s evolving marketplace. It has been well-established that a diverse workplace bolsters…
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Virtual Panel Series 2020: Rising to the Challenge
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThis month’s installment of our Virtual Panel Series 2020 features five leading women executives representing different segments of the office technology industry—dealers…
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Business As Unusual: What the Cannata Report’s 2020 Young Influencers Are Reading, Listening To, and Watching
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenCoinciding with the publication of our June Young Influencers issue, we asked our Young Influencers what they’ve been reading, watching, and listening…
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Young Influencers 2020: Guardians of Our Galaxy
by Sharon Tosto Esker & Kate GraggWhen Meghan Acciavatti, regional solutions manager at ACDI, graduated from Syracuse University with a Bachelor of Science in biology, the U.S. economy was caught…
When it comes to commitment to the dealer community, Hytec Dealer Services’ Jennifer Amatucci, vice president of business development, has always been…
While the path to career success is a long one, sometimes exciting opportunities can pop up early. Sharp Product Management Specialist Allison Holmes had…
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
TCR Flashback | Diversity and Inclusion: A Workplace Goal
by Sharon Tosto EskerInclusivity and diversity are buzzwords that have permeated every workplace across every industry. However, putting those buzzwords into…
Awards & CharityWomen/Young Influencers & Diversity
Click: GreatAmerica Celebrates with Good Taste
by CJ Cannataby CJ CannataJennie Fisher (left) and Josie Heskje celebrate GreatAmerica’s win for Best Leasing Company announced at…
Women/Young Influencers & DiversityCR Events
The Fourth Annual Women Influencers Brunch Attracts 50 of the Industry’s Finest
by Sharon Tosto EskerIn partnership with EFI, ESP, Kyocera, and Supplies Network, sponsors of this year’s Women Influencers Brunch, The Cannata Report team celebrated its three…
Op-Ed & CommentaryWomen/Young Influencers & Diversity
Frankly Speaking: Let’s Do a Better Job of Promoting Diversity
by Frank G. CannataWhile attending PRINTING United we learned that the Third Annual Women in Print Alliance Breakfast was scheduled for Thursday,…
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Young Influencers: Rebekah Nelson’s Psych-out
by CJ Cannataby CJ CannataRebekah Nelson started the millennium with a difficult decision to make. She’d just completed an unusual double-major at Whitworth University—business…
For 63 years, Utah’s Les Olson Company has done what many might consider impossible, growing to over 250 employees while remaining a family in every sense of…
VideoWomen/Young Influencers & Diversity
On Camera with 2019 Woman Influencer Victoria Ringwood
by CJ Cannataby CJ Cannata2019 Women Influencer Victoria Ringwood, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., emphasizes that “…what…
VideoWomen/Young Influencers & Diversity
On Camera with 2019 Woman Influencer Maegan Lujan
by CJ Cannataby CJ Cannata2019 Women Influencer Maegan Lujan, Director of Solutions and Services, Toshiba America Business Solutions, emphasizes “…being the CEO…
VideoWomen/Young Influencers & Diversity
On Camera with 2019 Woman Influencer Erica Calise
by CJ Cannataby CJ Cannata2019 Women Influencer Erica Calise, Director, Government and Major Account Marketing, Sharp Electronics, reminds dealers that “local [marketing…
VideoWomen/Young Influencers & Diversity
On Camera with the Women Influencers of 2019
by CJ Cannataby CJ CannataClick on the video player as prompted above and go behind the scenes of our 6th Anniversary Women Influencers issue cover photo shoot in New York…
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Women of Distinction: 2019 Women Influencers
by Sharon Tosto EskerSharp’s Erica Calise, Toshiba’s Maegan Lujan, and Konica Minolta’s Victoria Ringwood are featured on the cover of our July-August summer Women…
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Women of Influence 2019: Connecting with Success
by Sharon Tosto EskerAs businesses increasingly try to differentiate themselves in a noisy marketplace, establishing meaningful connections to create a diverse and inclusive…