The Cannata Report‘s first-ever video series, Burning Questions, features The Cannata Report addressing pressing topics across the print industry and independent dealer channel in a different formats that include discussions between CJ Cannata and Scott Cullen as well as infographics and animation.
Ep. 3: Dealer of the Future
What will the Dealer of the Future look like? Using graphics along with insights based on research and discussions with thought leaders, The Cannata Report provides top-line key insight into 14 key areas that will help shape the Dealer of the future and how they will do it, including MFPs, Private Equity, Acquisitions, Smart Office or Workplace of the Future, Managed IT, among nine others.
Exclusively presented by Clover Imaging Group, the initial run of the series will include six episodes. The Cannata Report and will automatically notify all of our members and subscribers via email upon the release of new episodes in the “Burning Questions” series.
Future episodes will focus on additional managed services, among other topics.
Click below (and above as applicable) to view “Burning Questions” video series episodes and episode transcripts (for live action episodes) launched to date:
Ep. 1: Diversification (Video)
Ep. 1: Diversification (Transcript)
Ep. 2: Security (Video)
Ep. 2: Security (Transcript)
Ep. 3: Dealer of the Future (Video Only)