Despite declining print volumes and the emergence of A4, the technology remains relevant. We’ve been hearing about declining print volumes for at…
Toshiba America Business Solutions (TABS) is a workplace solutions provider delivering an extensive portfolio of industry-recognized workflow and document management products for businesses of all sizes across the United States, Mexico, and Central and South America. TABS supports the diverse needs of today’s professionals through award-winning e STUDIO™ multifunction printers, label and receipt printers, digital signage, managed print services, and cloud solutions.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Manic Monday: News Highlights April 18-22
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenSix o’clock already I was just in the middle of a dream, which means it’s just another Manic Monday, The Cannata Report’s weekly recap of document…
Awards & Charity
Toshiba Celebrates Earth Day Through Global Reforesting and Recycling
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenToshiba America Business Solutions commemorates Earth Day 2022 through its year-round sustainability initiatives to function as good stewards…
Awards & Charity
Stargel Office Solutions Named Toshiba ProMasters Elite Certified Dealer for 2022
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenStargel Office Solutions was named a Toshiba ProMasters Elite Certified Dealer for 2022. This is the sixth consecutive year that Stargel Office Solutions…
Awards & Charity
Toshiba Workplace Productivity Bundle Earns BLI Gold Rating
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenKeypoint Intelligence recognized Toshiba America Business Solutions by presenting the Toshiba Workplace Productivity Bundle its Buyers Lab…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Vizient Awards Contract to Toshiba for Printers and Managed Print Services
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenToshiba America Business Solutions has finalized a contract with Vizient, Inc., the largest member-driven healthcare performance…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Manic Monday: News Highlights February 21-25
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenAnother week, another segment of Manic Monday, The Cannata Report’s weekly recap of document imaging industry news from the previous week. If…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Toshiba Introduces Managed Print as a Service Subscription Program
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenToshiba America Business Solutions announced the new cloud-based Encompass Managed Print as a Service subscription program. Whether working….
Retailers know that the accelerated shift toward more e-commerce workflows will never go away. COVID-19’s impact continues globally in merchant locations and billions…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Manic Monday: News Highlights January 24-28
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenAre you ready for some Manic Monday, The Cannata Report’s weekly recap of imaging industry news from last week? Highlights are condensed…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Niagara University Names Toshiba Exclusive and Official Office Technology Provider
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenNiagara University named Toshiba America Business Solutions its Exclusive and Official Office Technology Provider. Toshiba’s e‑STUDIO multifunction printers…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
What Toshiba Dealers Really Think of Their OEM
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe Cannata Report’s 36th Annual Dealer Survey asked dealers to rate their A3 OEMs. We published the results in our November issue. In addition…
Each year at this time, we identify the trends, companies, and people we will be tracking in the coming year. Although our list is comprehensive and far-reaching, we have never…
Despite the lingering effects of the pandemic, 2021 was still an active year in the imaging technology channel, with introductions of new products, solutions, and services…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Manic Monday: News Highlights November 15-19
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenBefore you go over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s house, how about a quick stop for Manic Monday, The Cannata Report’s weekly…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Toshiba Announces Strategic Reorganization to Separate Into Three Standalone Companies to Enhance Shareholder Value
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenToshiba Corporation announced its intention to separate into three standalone companies, including Infrastructure Service Company, consisting of Toshiba’s…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Toshiba Helps Traxion Deliver Premium Customer Satisfaction
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenToshiba America Business Solutions printer technology is assisting Mexico’s logistics company, Traxion, to complete door-to-door deliveries…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Toshiba Introduces Elevate Sky Service Update
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenToshiba America Business Solutions announced Elevate Sky Service – the newest update within the company’s expanding Elevate Sky cloud portfolio – accomplishes this objective…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThis year’s Survey had the greatest number of responses in the history of the Survey—385, with 377 of those representing the Big Six manufacturers—Canon, Konica…
In this year’s Survey, 729 A3 MFP lines were reported across respondents from the Big Six dealer universe, comprising dealers representing Canon, Konica Minolta, Kyocera…
To determine the manufacturers with the strongest distribution, we examined how they ranked as a dealer’s primary and secondary equipment supplier (Exhibit 1.10). Our Survey…
With more dealers than ever before participating in our Survey, the percentage of dedicated dealers grew from 37% last year to 40.5% this year. As we have seen year in and year…
Dealer revenue is where we can see most dramatically the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the independent dealer channel. It was not a very good year, but it wasn’t as bad…
Starting in 2017, we began tracking dealers with revenues of $7.5 million or greater, calling it, the “$7.5 Million-Plus Club.” Previously, we tracked dealers with revenues…
Low margins be damned, most dealers now realize that having a selection of standalone printers in their portfolio is a necessity. That’s because printers are essential to…