No doubt, RISO’s tagline at PRINTING United nailed it: “Printers for Endless Possibilities.” And that’s what PRINTING United is about; printing in 2023 hardly knows any limits.
Ricoh is empowering digital workplaces using innovative technologies and services that enable individuals to work smarter from anywhere. With cultivated knowledge and organizational capabilities nurtured over its 85-years history, Ricoh is a leading provider of digital services and information management and print and imaging solutions designed to support digital transformation and optimize business performance.
Technology Trends
2024 WatchList: The Trends, Companies, People, Products, and Events We Are Watching in the Coming Year
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenWe like to watch, which is why this time every year we identify the trends, companies, people, products, and events we will be keeping an eye on in the coming year in our annual WatchList.
The introductions and initiatives from the leading document imaging OEMs that made a difference in 2023.
General Profiles
CR-CONNECT Dealer Tour | MOEbiz: A Century of Resilience and Reinvention
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenAfter 100 years, MOEbiz is not afraid to take chances or make the difficult decisions necessary for survival in an evolving business climate, market, and industry.
Awards & CharityDealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
The Office Technology Industry Breaks on Through at The Cannata Report’s 38th Annual Awards & Charities Gala
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenAn all-star lineup helps raise a record-setting sum for an industry-specific cause at The Cannata Report’s 38th Annual Awards & Charities Gala.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
The Cannata Report’s Manic Monday: Office Technology News Highlights November 13-17
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe Cannata Report’s Manic Monday presents office technology industry news highlights from the week of November 13-17.
The Cannata Report travels to Denver, Colorado to attend the Ricoh Partner Summit.
Technology Trends
38th Annual Dealer Survey: A4 MFP Manufacturer Ratings
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe A4 MFP ratings in comparison to the A3 ratings are still lower, which is likely a reflection of the supply chain issues of last year when A4 took a backseat to the higher margin A3 products in terms of where OEMs were devoting available resources.
Technology Trends
38th Annual Dealer Survey: Production Print Manufacturer Ratings
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenAAs one would expect in the production print manufacturer ratings, the majority of dealers who selected the Best Production Print Manufacturer voted for their primary A3 provider.
The ultimate goal of customer service is crafting positive customer experiences.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Automation-Focused RICOH Pro VC80000 from Ricoh USA Rewrites Inkjet Economics for Customers
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe RICOH Pro VC80000 builds on the success of the RICOH Pro VC70000 and is designed for the production of exceptional quality direct mail, color books, catalogs, magazines and commercial print applications on coated media up to 300gsm.
Technology Trends
The Ricoh Partner Summit Showcased Growth, Diversification, and What’s Next
by Frank G. CannataFrank G. Cannata recaps the Ricoh Partner Summit, identifying the company’s recent financial performance, vision for the future, and key new products in the pipeline.
Fridays with Frank: Frank Offers Candid Observations About the Recent Ricoh Partner Summit
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenOn the latest episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata recaps the recent Ricoh dealer meeting, including key new product introductions, reactions from dealers who attended the meeting, and an insightful observation he made while participating in a panel discussion on production print.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
World’s First B2 Perfecting Sheet-Fed Aqueous-Based Inkjet Press from Ricoh Accelerates Digital Transformation for Print Service Providers Seeking New Ways to Engage Customers
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenRicoh announced the global debut of the RICOH Pro Z75 Digital Press, the first B2 perfecting (auto-duplexing) sheetfed inkjet platform using aqueous ink.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
The Cannata Report’s Manic Monday: Office Technology News Highlights October 9-13
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenWelcome to The Cannata Report’s Manic Monday, our rapid recap of the previous week’s office technology and services industry news.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Ricoh Celebrates the Power of Print with Data-First Solutions at PRINTING United Expo 2023
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenRicoh USA, Inc. announced its line-up of industry-leading solutions on display at PRINTING United Expo 2023.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Ricoh Celebrates the Power of Print with Data-First Solutions at PRINTING United Expo 2023
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenRicoh USA, Inc. announced its line-up of industry-leading solutions on display at PRINTING United Expo 2023.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Fiery DFEs Drive Customer Differentiation with Expanded Gamut Capabilities on New RICOH Pro C7500
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenFiery, LLC and Ricoh USA, Inc. continue their long-term partnership with the launch of two new Fiery digital front ends (DFEs) for the new RICOH Pro C7500 digital color sheetfed press.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
The Cannata Report’s Manic Monday: Office Technology News Highlights September 18-22
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe Cannata Report’s Manic Monday offers a rapid recap of office technology news from the week of September 18-22.
Technology Trends
Industrial Print: Critical Pathways to Profitability and Success
by Mark Vrunoby Mark VrunoIndustrial print represents a multi-billion-dollar market. Here’s how dealers with the appropriate resources can get started.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
RICOH Pro C7500 Digital Color Press Enables Print Service Providers to Expand Application Creativity
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenRicoh USA, Inc. announced the RICOH Pro C7500, the latest addition in Ricoh’s next generation lineup of digital color sheetfed presses.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
The Cannata Report’s Manic Monday: Office Technology News Highlights September 4-8
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe Cannata Report’s Manic Monday presents office technology industry news highlights from the week of September 4-8.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Ricoh Positioned as a Leader in 2023 IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Print Transformation
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenRicoh announced it has been positioned in the Leaders Category of the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Print Transformation 2023 Vendor Assessment.
Op-Ed & Commentary
The Top 12 Office Technology News Stories of the Year So Far
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe Top 12 Office Technology News Stories of the Year So Far includes some obvious selections along with a few that our readers are welcome to debate.
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Fiery DFEs Power Flagship RICOH Pro C9500, Redefining Digital Print Performance
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenFiery, LLC and Ricoh USA, Inc. have expanded their long-term partnership with the launch of a new Fiery® digital front end (DFE) driving the new RICOH Pro C9500 digital color sheetfed press.