This year, we saw a modest increase in the number of dedicated dealers compared with 2017, which we attribute to the greater number of Survey respondents…
Ricoh is empowering digital workplaces using innovative technologies and services that enable individuals to work smarter from anywhere. With cultivated knowledge and organizational capabilities nurtured over its 85-years history, Ricoh is a leading provider of digital services and information management and print and imaging solutions designed to support digital transformation and optimize business performance.
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2018 Dealer Survey: Dealer Revenue
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenWhen analyzing our Survey results, we do not base our findings on profitability and choose to examine revenue. This year, the total dealer revenue of our entire…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2018 Dealer Survey: The $7.5 Million-plus Club is Growing
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenUp until our 32nd Annual Dealer Survey in 2017, we tracked the numbers for the $5 Million-Plus Club, dealers with revenues of $5 million or greater. During the…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2018 Dealer Survey: Managed Print Services
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenSince we began tracking dealers’ engagement in MPS, it’s been fascinating to watch the evolution of this offering. As much as MPS has become seemingly…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2018 Dealer Survey: Managed Network Services
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenProviding managed IT or managed network services continues to be the most golden of opportunities for the dealer channel. (We’ll refrain from using “managed…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2018 Dealer Survey: Employment Trends
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIf service is core to a dealership’s business, then there is great value in examining the makeup of a dealership’s technical operations with an emphasis on…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2018 Dealer Survey: Revenue and Productivity
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenPrivate-equity money continued to flow into the channel in 2017; Ricoh sold much of its SMB MIF to a select group of dealers, which strengthened their…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2018 Dealer Survey: Acquisition Trends
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenSince we began conducting this Survey, there hasn’t been a single year where acquisitions were not shaping the dealer landscape in one way or another. The days…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2018 Dealer Survey: Greatest Growth Opportunities
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenEven before we started asking dealers to identify their greatest opportunities for growth, the dealer channel has been constantly on the lookout for the next…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Ricoh Rolls out Data Gathering Software
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenRicoh USA, Inc. has announced a cloud-hosted, vendor-agnostic solution to gather high-value data from across operations. RICOH Supervisor collects, sorts and analyzes…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Ricoh Announces New Software As a Service Platform
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenRicoh USA, Inc. has announced a new software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform for print service providers to control, manage and report on digital and print channels. The scalable…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy | from the Editor’s Desk: September 2018
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIf this is the first time you’re hearing your dealership should consider taking a closer look at production and industrial print, then you haven’t been paying…
You probably have a photo printer in your home or office that does a fine job of printing sharp, clear, durable photographic images on glossy papers. So, you…
Op-Ed & Commentary
On the Record | from the Publisher’s Desk: Access Japan 2018
by CJ Cannataby CJ CannataWe are so pleased to be publishing our first-ever SIP (special-interest publication) as a Special Bonus Issue, exclusively sponsored by GreatAmerica Financial…
During our trip to Japan in 2018, we observed several common threads among the Big Six regarding their future global strategies. Despite these similarities each is forging its own path in accordance with its respective strengths, R&D, and business perspectives.
If there’s one thing you can say about Ricoh Co. Ltd., it’s that the company has a strong foundation in the Japanese domestic market where it dominates with print…
An off-handed remark about wanting to move to Japan during a night of socializing with his Japanese colleagues more than five years ago eventually turned into a…
It was our pleasure to host our third annual elite partner dinner at Tiro A Segno of New York, a private club and the oldest Italian American heritage organization in the U.S….
Taking a look back on our four previous Women Influencers issues, The Cannata Report has featured 12 senior women executives in this editorial franchise’s…
General ProfilesCR-Connect Dealer Tour
CR Live | 2018 Dealer Tour: How the Pacific Northwest Was Won
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIf there’s such a thing as warp speed, Doug Pitassi, president of Pacific Office Automation (POA), is cruising at it. Recently,…
CR-Connect Dealer TourGeneral Profiles
CR Live | 2017 Dealer Tour: from Salt Lake City to Woburn
by Frank G. CannataAs we continued on our dealer tour across the country, it gave me pause to reflect about where we started, where…
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
2nd Annual Women Influencers Brunch Officially Becomes Annual Affair
by Sharon Tosto EskerIn partnership with AMETEK ESP, official sponsor of the Women Influencer franchise””and as represented at the…
General ProfilesCR-Connect Dealer Tour
CR Live | 2017 Dealer Tour: Improving with Age
by Frank G. CannataLike a fine red wine, E.O. Johnson Company in Wausau, Wisconsin, just keeps getting better with age. As the company finishes…
In last month’s annual Women Influencers issue, we provided a Frank Award nominee preview in the category of “Best…
General ProfilesCR-Connect Dealer Tour
CR Live | 2017 Dealer Tour: The Real Deal
by Frank G. CannataA visit with Systel in Fayetteville, North Carolina, reveals that diversification and thinking big have their advantages, especially when starting out in…