In the second installment of a two-part Fridays with Frank interview, Tom Ouellette, president of Budget Document Technology in Lewiston, Maine, identifies a diversification opportunity that is making a difference for his dealership.
Fridays with Frank
The Cannata Report’s founder and editor-at-large Frank G. Cannata delves into many topics related to the document imaging channel in the office technology industry in a weekly video titled Fridays with Frank. Cannata provides candid analysis of the hot topics, trends, companies, and executives dominating the headlines in the industry.
Fridays with Frank: A Conversation with Tom Ouellette of Budget Document Technology
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this week’s episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata is joined by Tom Ouellette, president of Budget Document Technology in Lewiston, Maine. Ouellette shares the secrets of his dealership’s longevity, including having the right product mix.
Fridays with Frank: Frank’s Thoughts on the Products That Have Had the Biggest Impact on Dealers in the 21st Century
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this week’s episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata offers his opinion on the products and technologies that have had the biggest impact on dealers in the 21st century.
Fridays with Frank: Konica Minolta’s Frank Mallozzi Isn’t Finished Talking About Industrial Print
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the second part of Frank G. Cannata’s Fridays with Frank interview with Konica Minolta’s Frank Mallozzi, Mallozzi, shares his thoughts about the September PRINTING United Show. He also discusses why he was so impressed by Konica Minolta’s Customer Experience Center, and its importance to dealers who are looking to ramp up their production and industrial print sales.
Fridays with Frank: Frank Mallozzi Discusses His New Role at Konica Minolta
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the first of a two-part interview on Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata interviews Frank Mallozzi, about his new position at Konica Minolta and how dealers can transition from selling production print to industrial print.
Fridays with Frank: Frank Makes a Case for Dealers to Participate in our 39th Annual Dealer Survey
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThis week on Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata discusses our 39th Annual Dealer Survey and why it’s important for independent dealers to let their voices be heard.
Fridays with Frank: When Does It Make Sense for an Office Technology Dealer to Add a Second A3 Line?
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this week’s episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata responds to a viewer’s question about determining when to add a second A3 line.
Fridays with Frank: Special Guest Dino Pagliarello Discusses His Exciting New Opportunity with Sharp
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this week’s episode of Fridays with Frank, Dino Pagliarello, joins Frank G. Cannata to talk about his new role at Sharp and offers interesting insights about Sharp’s new production print line as well as its light production offerings.
Fridays with Frank: Frank’s Take on the Konica Minolta Fujifilm Manufacturing Partnership
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the latest installment of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata shares his opinion on one of the hottest stories of the year–the manufacturing partnership between Konica Minolta and Fujifilm.
Fridays with Frank:’s West McDonald Schools Frank on Artificial Intelligence
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the latest episode of Fridays with Frank, West McDonald of brings Frank up to speed on artificial intelligence (AI) and how that technology is impacting and will impact office technology dealers.
Fridays with Frank: GreatAmerica Financial Services CEO Martin Golobic Offers His Take on AI
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the latest episode of Fridays with Frank, Martin Golobic, the new CEO at GreatAmerica Financial Services, returns to chat with Frank G. Cannata. This week, Golobic and Frank discuss AI and how it may impact GreatAmerica and the office technology dealer channel.
Fridays with Frank: Special Guest Martin Golobic Updates Frank On GreatAmerica’s Latest Initiatives
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this week’s episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata is joined by Martin Golobic the new CEO at GreatAmerica Financial Services. Golobic discusses what’s new at GreatAmerica, including the company’s latest initiatives.
Fridays with Frank: Frank Identifies Two 20th Century Technologies That Had the Biggest Impact on the Dealer Channel
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this week’s episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata discusses two technologies from the 20th century that forever changed the office technology dealer channel.
Fridays with Frank: Frank Discusses His Inspiration for Honoring Veterans in The Cannata Report
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the latest episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata discusses his commitment to veterans and veterans’ causes and the origins of his Veterans Way column in The Cannata Report.
Fridays with Frank: The Mega Dealer Acquisitions of the ’80s and ’90s – Good or Bad for the Industry?
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this week’s episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata weighs in on the legacy of the mega dealers of the ’80s and ’90s (Alco Standard, Danka, etc.) and whether it was a positive or negative development for the office technology industry, specifically independent dealers.
Fridays with Frank: Is It Possible to Start an Office Technology Dealership from Scratch in 2024?
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this week’s episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata ponders the question, “Can an entrepreneur start an office technology dealership from scratch in 2024?”
Fridays with Frank: What Impressed Frank the Most at Konica Minolta’s February Dealer Meeting
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the latest installment of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata offers a recap of Konica Minolta’s February dealer meeting in Sarasota, Florida.
Fridays with Frank: Frank Weighs in On the Office Technology Industry’s Profitability Problem
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this week’s episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata, inspired by Pacific Office Automation’s annual sales meeting, reflects on profitability and the need for office technology dealers to closely examine their books to ensure that their business is profitable.
Fridays with Frank: Frank Has More to Say About Independent Dealer Groups
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the latest episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata offers his take on the value of independent dealer groups, noting what they do right and where they can improve.
Fridays with Frank: Frank Recaps Rick Bastinelli’s Retirement Party
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this week’s episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata shares his thoughts about his trip to Baltimore last month to attend Centric Business Systems’ Rick Bastinelli’s retirement party.
Fridays with Frank: BPO Media’s Patricia Ames Offers Her Take on Diversification
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the second of a two-part episode of Fridays with Frank, BPO Media’s Patricia Ames joins Frank G. Cannata to discuss two potential diversification opportunities that she contends are relevant even for smaller dealers.
Fridays with Frank: Frank and a Very Special Guest Discuss Two Hot Topics That Could Impact Dealers
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the first of a two-part episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata is joined by BPO Media’s Patricia Ames to discuss two hot topics, including an emerging business model and whether or not she sees the private equity companies behind the office technology industry’s mega dealers consolidating.
Fridays with Frank: Frank’s Definitive Statement on Which Hardware Vendors are Going to Be Acquired
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this week’s episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata responds to a dealer’s question about which of the many hardware vendors might be acquired in the foreseeable future.
Fridays with Frank: Frank Shares a Diversification Opportunity That Every Dealer Should Consider
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the latest episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata identifies a viable diversification opportunity for dealers that won’t break the bank. He also shares his thoughts on artificial intelligence and virtual reality.
Fridays with Frank: Frank and Scott Continue to Discuss What’s on Their WatchLists for 2024
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the second of a two-part episode of Fridays with Frank, Frank G. Cannata is once again joined by Editor-in-Chief Scott Cullen to discuss some of the trends, companies, products, and events they are watching in the coming year.