In-plant customers represent a gateway to production print for MPS providers.
Technology Trends
Exploring Wide Format Printers: Technologies, Applications, and Sales Strategies
by Scott Cullen September 3, 2024If you aren’t selling wide format printers, it’s a product category worth considering, especially for expanding your production print footprint.
Industrial print is one of those terms that defies clear definition. Like the sometimes mile-wide, mighty Mississippi River, the broad category represents many things in a vast ocean of different businesses.
We begin this special issue about production print with interviews with four dealers. Each of the first three represents a different manufacturer.
Technology Trends
Pump Up Your Customer’s Print Volumes with Light Production
by Noel Ward September 3, 2024You’d think there would be a definition of light production, but there isn’t. Some vendors dodge the question by citing the jobs that fall into this category.
Technology Trends
Transform Your Imaging Offerings with an Array of Finishing Solutions
by Noel Ward September 3, 2024Broadly speaking, finishing includes corner and edge trimming, perforating, inserting pages, folding, die-cutting, fold-out pages, special trims, adding tabs, perfect binding, and more.
Technology Trends
Five Strategies to Leverage AI in Your Office Technology Dealership
by Kate Gragg September 3, 2024What can AI do to make a dealer’s organization’s workday, and their clients’ easier?
CR-Connect Dealer Tour
CR-CONNECT Dealer Tour: Sims Business Systems Secures Its Niche in Tempe, Arizona
by Scott Cullen September 3, 2024After more than 46 years, Sims Business Systems is still satisfying existing customers and winning new ones.
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Hard Copy | From the Editor’s Desk: Under the Women Influencers’ Influence
by Scott Cullen July 18, 2024This issue marks the beginning of the second decade of the Women Influencers franchise, continuing to celebrate women’s increasing prominence in our industry.
Chris Polek and his team at Polek & Polek celebrated the company’s 50th anniversary on June 18 at Don Pepe restaurant in Pine Brook, New Jersey.
BTA members, including dealers and vendors, came together at the BTA Capture the Magic meeting, sponsored by BTA West, in Huntington Beach, California, June 17-19, to celebrate BTA’s retiring legal counsel, Bob Goldberg.
Technology Trends
Japanese Headlines: Prospects for Toshiba Tec’s Workplace Business in the 2024 Mid-Term Management Policy
by Tetsuo Kubo July 18, 2024On May 23, Toshiba Tec’s President, Hironobu Nishikori, held a briefing on the company’s 2024 fiscal year management policy and announced the mid-term management plan for 2024–2026.
Technology Trends
Outside the Box: Preparing Your Dealership for Selling Production Printers
by Petra Diener July 18, 2024As the printing industry evolves, office technology dealerships are increasingly seeking to expand their offerings by selling production printers.
Technology Trends
Katun Unveils New State-of-the-Art Asia Headquarters and R&D Facility
by Scott Cullen July 18, 2024On Sunday, June 16, 2024, Katun Corporation held a grand opening for its new state-of-the-art Asia headquarters and research and development facility in Taiwan.
Hiring & Retention
Copier Careers® Insights®: 7 Strategies to Attract a Good Salesperson
by Scott Cullen July 18, 2024Quality candidates are out there, but Copier Careers asks why would they want to work for you?
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Leading with Authenticity: Women Influencers 2024
by Sharon Tosto Esker July 18, 2024Led by curiosity, our women influencers inner compasses are leading them in their careers and inspiring others.
Women/Young Influencers & Diversity
Virtual Panel: Compelling Industry Insights from Women Leaders
by Scott Cullen July 18, 2024The office technology industry is still changing, and these five women leaders are at the forefront of this movement.
Toshiba America Business Solutions’ vice president of human resources offers guidance for trying a different hiring strategy.
Rumors to the contrary, print is far from dead, and where there’s print, there’s an opportunity for managing that print with print management software.
Technology Trends
Flexible Financing: How Leasing Companies Help Dealers Diversify
by Mark Vruno July 18, 2024The leasing companies have their finger on the pulse of the evolutionary changes sweeping the office technology industry, leading to new financing options.
Although lacking the glamour of many internet-enabled technologies, print remains a critical segment of technology that’s still happening in schools across America.
General Profiles
Static Control Maintains a Steady Presence in a Shifting Market
by Scott Cullen July 18, 2024For over 35 years, Static Control has provided the independent dealer channel with a wealth of aftermarket alternatives.
General Profiles
CR-Connect Dealer Tour 2024: Budget Document Technology’s Three-Plus Decades of Excellence
by Scott Cullen July 18, 2024Budget Document Technology President Tom Ouellette’s story is far from unique in the office technology dealer community.
Veterans Way: A Conversation with Luke Oldenburg of Impact Networking
by Frank G. Cannata July 18, 2024The resilience Luke Oldenburg learned in the Army has been an asset in his new career.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy | From the Editor’s Desk: The Fountain of Youth
by Scott Cullen June 17, 2024As we prepare to celebrate our 2024 Young Influencers, let’s acknowledge that Young Influencers in the office technology industry are not a new phenomenon.