Spoiler alert! There is no easy answer. “Success is in the eye of the beholder,” said Wes McArtor, CEO of NEXERA, a…
Addressing the pros and cons of a hybrid workforce. In March 2020, bustling offices across the country fell silent, replacing the break…
Technology Trends
Diversification Row: Leading the Charge with EV Chargers
by Scott Cullen November 10, 2022The announcement in January that ACDI was entering the electric vehicle (EV) charger business was initially met with skepticism and curiosity. At that time, the war…
General Profiles
CR-Connect Dealer Tour: Fraser Advanced Information Systems Turns 50
by Frank G. Cannata November 10, 2022The Cannata Report visits a successful long-time subscriber. Above: Fraser Advanced Information Systems’ support staff are remotely connected to customers and Fraser…
Veteran’s Way: The Inspirational Story of Army Medic Ray Lambert
by Frank G. Cannata November 10, 2022Lambert was in the thick of the action during the invasion of North Africa, the attack on Sicily, and the landings on…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy: From the Editor’s Desk: Inside the Numbers
by Scott Cullen October 13, 2022Thirty seven years. That’s right, 37 years. That’s how long The Cannata Report has been conducting its Annual Dealer Survey. Some…
Technology Trends
Access Japan 2022: An Inside Look at the Present Conditions and Future Outlook for Konica Minolta Inc.
by CJ Cannata October 13, 2022Acutely aware of its recent challenges, the company is making the necessary adjustments. Above: Patrick Banno In the past, we have visited…
Above: NY Yankee Hall of Famer Mariano Rivera (third from right), joined Atlantic Tomorrow’s Office’s Jim Leyritz (and former Yankee teammate, far…
Above: CJ Cannata is joined by an all-start contingent of Sharp executives and dealers at BTA’s Capture the Magic conference in Las…
Fraser Advanced Information Systems President Bill Fraser is ecstatic that Frank G. Cannata returned for a visit after a nearly 50-year absence.…
CJ and Frank traveled to Pine Brook, NJ in early October to meet with Chris Polek of Polek & Polek, one of…
Hiring & Retention
European Headlines: Tactics for Reducing Employee Turnover
by Petra Diener October 13, 2022Reevaluate and revamp your recruiting strategies. Employees are quitting in droves, physically and emotionally, with no remedy in sight to stop them.…
Technology Trends
Japanese Headlines: Otsuka Shokai Celebrates 60th Anniversary
by Tetsuo Kubo October 13, 2022Diversification has been key to Japan’s largest independent dealer’s growth. Above: Otsuka Shokai President Yuji Otsuka greets visitors at the company’s 60th…
The company’s Cloud Services platform takes dealers up where they belong. You know Lexmark as a leading provider of A4 and industry-specific…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
37th Annual Dealer Survey Part I: The Road to Recovery
by Scott Cullen October 13, 2022When Frank G. Cannata launched that first Survey 37 years ago, his objective was to provide independent dealers with a venue to share views about their suppliers and competitors, and acknowledge the manufacturers that excel in supporting their channel partners. True to The Cannata Report’s original intent, these objectives are just as important today.
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
37th Annual Dealer Survey: Executive Summary (Part I of II)
by Scott Cullen October 13, 2022This year’s Survey had the second greatest number of responses in the history of the Survey—380, with 366 of those representing the Big Six manufacturers—Canon, Konica Minolta, Kyocera, Ricoh, Sharp, and Toshiba. The largest number of dealers were aligned with Sharp (91), Ricoh (80), and Toshiba (70). The Big Six OEM with the fewest dealers participating was Canon with 32.
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
37th Annual Dealer Survey: A3 MFP Lines per Dealer
by Scott Cullen October 13, 2022Exhibits 1.1-1.4 In this year’s Survey, 697 A3 MFP lines were reported across 379 respondents (one respondent did not identify an A3…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
37th Annual Dealer Survey: A4 MFP Lines Per Dealer
by Scott Cullen October 13, 2022Exhibits 1.5-1.8 Declining A3 clicks and wider acceptance of a hybrid workforce prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic have made A4 more viable…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
37th Annual Dealer Survey: Manufacturer Distribution
by Scott Cullen October 13, 2022Exhibits 1.9-1.10 To identify the manufacturers with the strongest distribution, we tracked how they ranked as a dealer’s primary and secondary equipment…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
37th Annual Dealer Survey: Dealer Dedication
by Scott Cullen October 13, 2022Exhibits 1.11-1.13 The percentage of dedicated dealers is on the rise (Exhibit 1.12). Two years ago, 37% of dealers participating in our…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
37th Annual Dealer Survey: Dealer Revenue
by Scott Cullen October 13, 2022Exhibits 1.14-1.20 Despite the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, backorders, chip shortages, and hiring and retention challenges, the dealer channel seems…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
37th Annual Dealer Survey: The $10 Million-Plus Club
by Scott Cullen October 13, 2022Exhibits 1.21-1.22 Since 2019 we’ve been tracking dealers with revenues of $10 million or greater, calling it the “$10 Million-Plus Club.” Prior…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
37th Annual Dealer Survey: Printer Lines
by Scott Cullen October 13, 2022Exhibits 1.23-1.25 Despite the emergence of A4 in the MPS world, standalone printers are still as relevant as ever for MPS and…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
37th Annual Dealer Survey: Production Print
by Scott Cullen October 13, 2022Exhibit 1.26 The pandemic and the hybrid workforce have accelerated the decline of office print. No matter who you speak with, no…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
37th Annual Dealer Survey: Managed Print Services
by Scott Cullen October 13, 2022Exhibits 1.27-1.30 Throughout the pandemic, including the current post-pandemic period, which in some ways is a misnomer, we heard from various dealers…