When we discuss diversification in the office technology space, sometimes it’s as if we’re talking about a new concept. But diversification isn’t…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Opinion articles, op-eds, and news commentary from The Cannata Report and its editorial team, including Frank G. Cannata, CJ Cannata, and Scott Cullen.
We recently learned that Ed Bialecki, former senior vice president of sales, Kyocera Document Solutions America, passed away on March 24th. About six months…
This month our virtual panel focuses on a single topic—A4. It fits squarely into our diversification theme if you initially sold A3 before diversifying into…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: Should I Stay Home or Should I Go Now?
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenHow far out are you making plans these days? I ask that question as an increasing number of events and conferences in the imaging technology…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: Recommended Reading and Viewing
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic effect on where and how we work. For those of us who are still fortunate to be employed, it’s time…
Over the years I have spent a good portion of my leisure time watching movies and TV shows with plots centered around some sort of apocalypse…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: Don’t Overlook Your Employees’ Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenI’ve been working from home for 23 years so why should now feel any different? I love working from home. I love the freedom, the solitude, and having…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: Life in the Time of COVID-19
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThese are trying times from a business and a personal perspective. Last week we published best practices for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic…
Breaking News, Business & FinanceOp-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: More Best Practices and Commentary on Coping During the COVID-19 Crisis
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThis is our final Business as Unusual post until next week. The following best practices and commentary were shared with us earlier this week. We…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: the Cannata Report Monitors the Impact of COVID-19 on Our Industry
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenLast Monday I flew to Pittsburgh from Philadelphia to interview Deb and Joe Dellaposta of Doing Better Business (DBB) for our monthly CR…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Another Source for Wide Format Inkjet Consumables
by Frank G. CannataFor the last four years we have attempted to make our audience aware of the looming importance of industrial print. We have explored this from…
Last summer, I started receiving notifications on my desktop computer that Microsoft would no longer provide updates for Windows 7 after the first of the year. When…
In the second installment of our Virtual Panel Series, industry thought leaders discuss an array of issues that impact every dealer, including the current rate…
Op-Ed & CommentaryPodcasts
The Cannata Report’s Shake IT Up Podcast: Trends to Watch 2020
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenWe are excited to present the second in a continuing series of Shake It Up podcasts. These podcasts, hosted by Editor-in-Chief Scott Cullen…
Last June, we received a report from HP detailing the company’s sustainability initiatives. That was followed by a webinar in August on HP’s partnership…
This year, we are shaking things up with our virtual panel series to keep things fresh and more interesting. Rather than feature executives from the same four segments…
As we kick off the next decade it is hard to anticipate exactly what it will be like, especially for those of us in the imaging industry. The more we think about…
Does the rise of mega dealers and private equity backed dealers spell doom for the dealer channel as we know it? I recall my colleague Andy Slawetsky…
Op-Ed & CommentaryVideo
Burning Questions Video Series | Ep. 4: What Are Dealers’ Top Concerns? (source: 2019 Cannata Dealer Survey)
by CJ Cannataby CJ CannataWhat are dealers’ top concerns? Leveraging key insights and analyses derived from the results of our 34th Annual/2019 Dealer Survey…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy | from the Editor’s Desk: Let’s Do IT Again, but Even Better This Year
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenWe did it! The Cannata Report has completed another year doing what we believe we do best. Not to sound smug, but that’s writing about and providing…
At the recent Ricoh ConvergX 2019 event Jim Coriddi, vice president, dealer division, announced the retirement of Dayle Russell, director, Corporate Events…
As 2019 and the decade comes to a close, I want to share how the many changes and new directions reshaping the industry are impacting our focus for…
As we polish the crystal ball and attempt to look into the future, let’s take a step back and review the previous decade. This exercise offers us a good idea of how…
Op-Ed & CommentaryWomen/Young Influencers & Diversity
Frankly Speaking: Let’s Do a Better Job of Promoting Diversity
by Frank G. CannataWhile attending PRINTING United we learned that the Third Annual Women in Print Alliance Breakfast was scheduled for Thursday,…
One of the basic premises for success in the imaging business, at least for independent dealers, is staying close to the customer. That’s followed…