Can you believe we have been presenting our Annual Dealer Survey for 35 years? It’s an amazing accomplishment, especially considering that our founder…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Opinion articles, op-eds, and news commentary from The Cannata Report and its editorial team, including Frank G. Cannata, CJ Cannata, and Scott Cullen.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Time to Clear Up a Misconception About the Independent Dealer Channel
by Frank G. CannataWe have all been trying to understand how the contraction of our industry will ultimately affect the dealer channel. We are optimistic, but…
Op-Ed & Commentary
From the Editor’s Desk: Diversity and Innovation Rule Even in Difficult Times
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenWe are excited to present our seventh annual Women Influencers issue, featuring our cover story on three women industry leaders with inspiring stories about…
As more of the workforce became virtual during the COVID-19 pandemic it became increasingly clear that security would become one of the…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: Making Printing Environmentally Sustainable Post-covid-19
by Oscar SanchezAcross all industries we have seen a drive by companies to significantly reduce their printing volumes. Moreover, the number of completely…
In our previous Frankly Speaking, “What’s Next for Our Industry” post, we invited readers to share experiences and pose their own questions. Our…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: Covid-19’s Impact on Sales and Customer Buying Behavior
by Oscar SanchezThe changes we have seen in our professional lives during these challenging times, be it remote working or digital processes, are not new. They are, rather…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Flashback Friday: Trends, Companies, and People to Watch in 2020
by Scott Cullenby Scott Cullenust in time to cure your summertime blues we are launching a new Friday feature highlighting an article published in an earlier issue of The Cannata…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: What Happens to Managed Print Services when Printing Goes Home?
by Petra Dienerby Petra DienerOver the past few weeks, more and more articles have found their way into my inbox talking about increased home office printer sales, fax…
For anyone who has read The Cannata Report for any length of time or attended Frank G. Cannata’s presentations on production print at industry events…
As we battle this pandemic, we have been forced to address every issue of consequence in our lives. As a media participant in the business of imaging…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: More Office Imaging Industry Reading, Viewing, and Listening Lists
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenFor the past two and a half months we’ve been reaching out to folks from different segments of the office imaging industry to learn what they…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: Catching Up with TABS’ President & CEO Scott Maccabe
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenEarlier this month I had the good fortune to interview Toshiba America Business Solutions Scott Maccabe as a follow up to our conversation with TABS…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: The Role of IT Departments in Preparing Offices Post COVID-19
by Oscar SanchezWe have been well aware of the power and potential of data in modern day business for quite some time now. We quickly realized that for companies,..
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy | From the Editor’s Desk: I’m Not Concerned
by Scott Cullenby Scott Cullen“Our industry doesn’t appeal to young people.” Since reading these words in our 34th Annual Dealer Survey last year, they’ve stuck with me. When…
It is impossible to minimize the impact of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. By any measure, it has been catastrophic—untold lives lost, staggering unemployment…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: This Week’s Reading, Watching and Listening Shares
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIt’s time once again to discover what individuals from different segments of our industry as well as someone from The Cannata Report team are…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy | From the CEO’s Desk: Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow
by CJ Cannataby CJ CannataScott graciously lent me this space typically reserved for his editor’s letter so that I can mark our milestone 400th issue. While I say this with tremendous…
The first time I heard the coronavirus alarm bells go off was around mid-January while spending a couple of days in Munich to celebrate my dad’s 91st birthday. We talked…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: Latest Imaging Industry Reading, Viewing, and Listening Recommendations
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenWhat better way to get to know one’s colleagues and peers in the industry than by peaking at their bookshelves, playlists, and Netflix viewing…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: More Reading, Viewing, and Listening Recommendations from Our Friends in the Imaging Industry
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenRead any good books lately? Binge watching any shows on Netflix? And what’s on your music playlists or podcast playlists while you are working…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: Terminations, Layoffs, and Furloughs, OH My!
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenTerminations, layoffs, and furloughs have hit all segments of the office imaging industry. Some dealers and OEMs have no problem going on…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: The Imaging Industry’s Reading, Viewing, and Listening Recommendations
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenNo one needs to read another post about working from home. And I certainly have no interest in writing another. Instead, let’s find out how…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: Some Good News from the Imaging Industry
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenOne of the ways I wind down in the evening after dinner is by watching YouTube videos on our TV in the living room. Mostly, it’s cooking videos…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: COVID-19 Business Survival Tactics
by Noel Wardby Noel WardSooner or later we’ll all be sitting around in whatever the new normal is, sharing stories of what we did in the Great Pandemic of 2020. And, depending…