Our Advisory Board addresses diversification, supply chain issues, and e-commerce. Above, clockwise from top, AJ Baggott, Deb Dellaposta, Patrick Flesch, Jim George,…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Opinion articles, op-eds, and news commentary from The Cannata Report and its editorial team, including Frank G. Cannata, CJ Cannata, and Scott Cullen.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Konica Minolta Addresses Supply Chain Issues
by Frank G. CannataIn our most recent Fridays with Frank video, we discussed the supply chain. That was not the first time. After watching it several times, I was not…
Are you as glad as I am that another COVID year is coming to an end? I felt that way last year, 12 months later, still the same. Reading current news stories on the latest strain…
We are entering into the third year of dealing with COVID-19, a period of time we previously believed and stated on a Fridays with Frank episode that…
With the turning of the calendar page from the previous year to the new year, there’s always a sense of optimism heading into the new year. This year we thought it would be interesting…
Op-Ed & Commentary
The Way We Were: The People We Were Watching in 2018
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenOur December-January WatchList issue launches this week; while we wait, let’s continue with the third in a three-part trip back to December 17, 2018,..
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: As Toshiba Splits into Three Separate Companies, What Does it Mean to TABS and the Channel?
by Frank G. CannataOn November 12, Reuters announced that Toshiba Corporation had outlined plans to split into three companies to appease activist shareholders…
Op-Ed & Commentary
The Way We Were: Industry Executives Identify Biggest Threats to Dealers’ Profitability
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn March of 2019, we asked a panel of executives from eight different imaging technology OEMs to identify the biggest threat(s) dealers are facing as…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy: From the Editor’s Desk: Beyond Supply and Demand
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenRemember Father Guido Sarducci’s Five-Minute University from the early years of Saturday Night Live? The Five-Minute University taught students what the average college graduate…
Op-Ed & Commentary
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this year’s 36th Annual Dealer Survey, 73% of our dealers told us their business was down in 2020. Does this number shock you? Honestly, you probably…
In this month’s column, I want to explore private equity and its impact on the dealer channel. The burning question: What is the real impact of private equity acquisitions…
We are receiving some very disturbing news from dealers who are encountering some serious problems caused by those who choose not to be…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Pondering the Competitive Landscape for A4 and Production
by Frank G. CannataAs we continue to evaluate the returns of 385 dealers from our 36th Annual Dealer Survey we attempt to translate our findings…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy | from the Editor’s Desk: No Production and Industrial Print for You!
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIf you are a regular reader of The Cannata Report, you know Frank G. Cannata’s feelings about production and industrial print. If you are not familiar, let me sum it up succinctly, he…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Inkjet and the Post-pandemic Business Environment
by Frank G. CannataWe would all like an awareness of what the post-pandemic business environment will be like. What will the print industry look like in the years ahead? What technology will be a driver…
If you want to understand the nature of change and what you can expect for the future, you must understand the challenges participants are…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy | from the Editor’s Desk: Under the Influence
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenI’ve been attending industry events since 1986. I never thought much about it until I sat down to write this month’s column, but women were scarce at industry events early…
Women/Young Influencers & DiversityOp-Ed & Commentary
European Headlines: 2021—why It’s a Good Thing We’re Honoring Outstanding Women of Our Industry
by Petra Dienerby Petra DienerEvery year, I look forward to the Women Influencers selected by The Cannata Report. I love it! The video portraits, the awards, the women, perfect. However, every time I read…
Last month, Scott Cullen and I had the pleasure of interviewing Scott Maccabe, the outgoing chief executive officer, and Larry White, the incoming CEO of Toshiba America…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Thursday Flashback: What Was Worrying Dealers in 2017?
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe February 2017 print issue of The Cannata Report features a panel of dealers from New York City to Washington State, representing dealerships…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Following Up on Last Week’s Fridays with Frank Video
by Frank G. CannataOur July 2nd episode of Fridays with Frank drew some attention from both manufacturers and dealers. We also heard from a former manufacturer….
We recently discussed the ongoing back-order situation on Fridays with Frank. It evidently hit a sensitive area as we heard from several dealer…
There’s been a lot of talk in the managed services industry about office technology (OT) dealers and their evolving role as service providers. Even…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy | from the Editor’s Desk: the Power of Networking
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenI’ll never forget the words of the guest speaker at a Rowan University networking dinner for students in the New Jersey university’s MBA program about 13 years…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Examining the Challenges Facing Dealers and Strategies to Overcome Them
by Frank G. CannataWe have a considerable collection of challenges staring our industry in the face. The post pandemic period is first and foremost on everyone’s minds…