Office technology partnerships can be challenging whether that partnership is with a vendor or a customer, but certain qualities make a difference in a lasting partnership.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Opinion articles, op-eds, and news commentary from The Cannata Report and its editorial team, including Frank G. Cannata, CJ Cannata, and Scott Cullen.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy | From the Editor’s Desk: Pumping Up the Volume with Production Print
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenProduction print is the focus of the September issue of The Cannata Report, and it’s a product category that remains a viable diversification opportunity for office technology dealers.
Op-Ed & Commentary
The Top 12 Office Technology News Stories of the Year So Far
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe Top 12 Office Technology News Stories of the Year So Far includes some obvious selections along with a few that our readers are welcome to debate.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Distribution Management’s Distinctive Advantage for Office Technology Dealers
by Frank G. CannataDistribution Management has a lot to offer dealers and in his latest column, Frank G. Cannata shares the advantages of partnering with this supplies and hardware distributor.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking | CDA Owners Meeting: A Dynamic Organization Focused on Helping Its Members Succeed
by Frank G. CannataThe CDA Owners Meeting in Chicago July 19-21 brought back many fond memories for Frank G. Cannata, including his first CDA meeting in 1982.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Compelling Sustainability Strategies for the Print Industry
by Frank G. CannataPrint industry sustainability is the focus of a new study by global market insight and research firm Quorcirca.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Xerox and Its Dealers/Agents Plot to Move Forward Together
by Frank G. CannataFrank G. Cannata offers his recap of the Xerox dealer meeting which took place on June 21-22. To say that he was impressed by what he heard would be an understatement.
Op-Ed & Commentary
The Lexmark Dealer Meeting: 8 Important Takeaways
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe Lexmark dealer meeting was jam-packed with presentations, product demonstrations, networking opportunities, and a major product announcement.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Textile Printers Represent a Genuine Opportunity for Savvy Dealers
by Frank G. CannataFrank G. Cannata recalls his visit to the ITMA conference in 2019, a conference that opened his eyes to the possibilities of textile printers in the office technology dealer channel.
Frank G. Cannata offers a recap of the TD SYNNEX Executive Print and Imaging Summit along with commentary from dealers attending the event.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hiring By the Numbers: Thought-Provoking Insights from Recent Surveys
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenHiring and retention is one of the biggest challenges in the office technology industry and recent surveys yield insights into recruitment strategies and what’s on the minds of recent college grads looking for employment.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Production Print Inkjet and Why RISO is a Viable Option
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenFrank G. Cannata offers a preview of our production print issue and delves deeper into why inkjet technology from RISO is a good fit for dealers like EO Johnson.
The Cannata Report’s editor-in-chief Scott Cullen highlights the back-to-basics theme of the May issue, which focuses on A3, A4, and document management.
In response to the early news out of Japan about the new partnership between Ricoh and Toshiba, Frank offers his thoughts about what this means to both companies and North American office technology dealers.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: American Co-OP Offers a Unique Networking Experience in the Caribbean
by Frank G. CannataFrank G. Cannata recaps the American Co-OP dealer meeting on the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Why Sharp Will Be Successful Selling Production Print
by Frank G. CannataFrank G. Cannata makes a case for why Sharp will be successful selling the Fuji-made production printers that that were introduced at the recent Sharp national dealer meeting.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Highlights from the 2023 Sharp Dealer Meeting
by Frank G. CannataFrank G. Cannata shares his highlights from the 2023 Sharp dealer meeting, focusing on the dealers in attendance, content, and a major announcement.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy | From the Editor’s Desk: Artificial Intelligence, Friend or Foe?
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenArtificial Intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword in the technology industry for quite some time now, and it’s not surprising to see its emerging influence of AI in the office technology industry.
The Cannata Report’s Economics Watch columnist Henry Willmore discusses how the closure of Silicon Valley Bank, rising oil prices, and changes in the housing market could impact the U.S. economy.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: ICDA’s March Meeting Provides Dealers with Valuable Insights and Networking Opportunities
by Frank G. CannataFrank G. Cannata presents an overview of the International Copier Dealer Association (ICDA) March meeting, identifying the highlights, including a presentation on dealer diversification as well as his thoughts on the benefits of membership in one of these groups.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: A Passionate Plea to Do More to Assist Veterans in Need
by Frank G. CannataVeterans are important to Frank G. Cannata as he asks the office technology industry to look beyond veterans’ employment needs and consider their mental and physical health needs as well.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Sharp’s Dave Dwyer’s 4 Honest Responses to How the Company Handled the Supply Chain Challenge
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenDave Dwyer, VP, supply chain & operations for Sharp, provides an update on the status of Sharp’s backorders, lessons learned dealing with supply chain challenges, and what’s in Sharp’s product pipeline for 2023.
Op-Ed & Commentary
10 Inspiring Dealer Diversification Strategies Showcased in March Issue
by CJ Cannataby CJ CannataThe Cannata Report’s March issue focuses on 10 dealer diversification strategies in such areas as VoIP, label and barcode printers, digital printing packaging, production print, inkjet technology, and more.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Hard Copy | From the Editor’s Desk: Time to Mix Things Up with Diversification
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenWith so many opportunities to expand their products and services, and in light of declining clicks, diversification should be paramount for office technology dealers.
Op-Ed & Commentary
Economics Watch: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Recession
by Henry WillmoreEconomics columnist Henry Willmore examines the economic trends that seem to be running counter to previous predictions about a recession occurring in the first half of 2023.