Sharp’s 2019 Own IT-themed Dealer Meeting kicked into high gear during an opening night party at the Wynn Las Vegas. Thanks to Brian Gertler, LDI Color ToolBox, we…
It”™s been a busy year in Tokyo for printer manufacturers that have enhanced their existing showrooms or opened new ones to showcase their latest printing…
Everybody talks about workflow. You have to have one; you have to document it; you have to improve it continuously; no workflow, no profit; and so on. Let’s…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Extreme Evolution (part 1 of 2)
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenAfter 34 years of conducting our Annual Dealer Survey, and closely following the office technology industry day in and day out, one might think there wouldn’t be too…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Executive Summary (part 1 of 2)
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThis year’s Survey had the greatest number of responses in the history of the Survey – 344 with 336 of those representing the Big Six manufacturers – Canon…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: A3 MFP Lines Per Dealer
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenStarting with our 2014 Survey, we began separating the A3 and A4 MFP lines. From 2004 through 2013, the number of lines per dealer was impacted by the number…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: A4 MFP Lines Per Dealer
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenWhatever resistance dealers had to A4 in the past (primarily the lower margins compared to A3) seems to have dissipated in the wake of a new reality. That reality…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Manufacturer Distribution
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenAs acquisitions reconfigure the dealer landscape, the era of the single-line dealer should be on the decline. Yet, as we’ve seen since 2016, the percentage of single-line…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Dealer Dedication
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenFor the second consecutive year, the percentage of dealers participating in our Survey went up, as did the percentage of dedicated dealers from 36% last year to…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Dealer Revenue
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenWhen analyzing our Survey results, we do not base our findings on profitability and choose to examine revenue. This year, the total dealer revenue of our entire universe…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: the $7.5 Million-plus Club is Growing
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenPrior to our 32nd Annual Dealer Survey in 2017, we tracked dealers with revenues of $5 million or greater, calling this group “The $5 Million-Plus Club.” But times…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Printer Lines
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIf a dealer is going to offer MPS, they”™d better have at least one printer line. Regardless of how dealers define their MPS offerings, printers remain a critical element…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Production Print
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the wake of declining print volumes, we have been adamant that dealers need to seriously consider production print. We might add that industrial print is…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Managed Print Services
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenOne of the misconceptions about MPS that we are as guilty of promulgating as others in the industry have, is that almost every dealer (or most dealers are) is…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Managed Network Services
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenLast year, 50% of Big Six dealers said they offered managed networked services (MNS). In this year’s Survey, that percentage declined to 46%. We don’t feel this drop…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Employment Trends
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenService is a critical component of any dealer operation and a huge contributor to maintaining customers. That’s why we examine the makeup of a dealership’s service…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Acquisition Trends
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThis is the era of acquisitions. News of acquisitions may not be flowing in daily, but hardly a week goes by when an acquisition isn’t announced. Most of those acquisitions…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Revenue and Productivity
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe flow of private-equity money into the channel continued unabated throughout 2018. Meanwhile, mid-sized and larger, well-funded dealers expanded their…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
2019 Dealer Survey: Greatest Growth Opportunities
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenFor years, progressive dealers have been looking for ways to grow their businesses beyond traditional office copying and printing. Call it diversification, if you will. The…
While many businesses still require and insist on A3 copier/MFPs, the last decade has increasingly seen companies switch to A4 devices. The advantages of A4…
The vendor equipment finance business at TIAA Bank is embarking on a series of digital initiatives to serve its dealer partners more effectively. “We’ve always…
In 2017, Dan Reilly, president of Caltronics Business Systems, made a decision that would forever change his 45-year-old dealership. He took his independent…
General ProfilesCR-Connect Dealer Tour
CR–Connect | 2019 Dealer Tour: Revving Up Applied Imaging’s Growth Engine (part 1 of 2)
by Frank G. CannataThe common denominators for becoming a $100-plus million dealership are plentiful. For many dealers, their story generally starts with selling copiers for a…
General ProfilesCR-Connect Dealer Tour
CR–Connect | 2019 Dealer Tour: Applied Imaging’s Open Architecture (Part 2 of 2)
by CJ Cannataby CJ CannataWhen Frank and I stepped into Applied Imaging’s headquarters in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Thursday, August 25, we were immediately impressed by our…
For 63 years, Utah’s Les Olson Company has done what many might consider impossible, growing to over 250 employees while remaining a family in every sense of…