In this installment of “Dealer Check-in,” we touch base with Dawn Abbuhl, president, Repeat Business Systems in Albany, New York. Let’s hear what…
Dealer Survey & The Cannata Dinner
5 Things We Learned from Our 34th Annual Dealer Survey
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIf you haven’t seen The Cannata Report’s 34th Annual Survey in our October issue yet, you may have missed out on the following five findings…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
LD Products Gold Line Series Honored at Remaxworld Expo
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenLD Products and their Channel Partner Division have announced that their LD GOLD Line Series of premium quality new build toner products was just crowned…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
RSA and Ultimate TechnoGraphics Integrate Software
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenRochester Software Associates and Ultimate TechnoGraphics have announced the availability of an advancement in the integration between the two firm’s software…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
DocuWare Releases Web-Based Process Diagramming Tool
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenDocuWare has released Process Planner, a stand-alone, web-based process diagramming tool that is available for free for anyone. Process Planner is…
Awards & Charity
ImageNet Consulting Receives Two Continuum Partner Awards
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenImageNet Consulting has announced that they received two Continuum Partner Awards: Growth Partner of the Year in Office Equipment and…
Op-Ed & CommentaryVideo
Burning Questions Video Series | Ep. 3: Dealer of the Future
by CJ Cannataby CJ CannataWhat will the Dealer of the Future look like? Using graphics along with insights based on research and discussions with thought leaders, The…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Church Inspires Members with Toshiba Interactive Digital Signage
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenInteractive digital signage from Toshiba America Business Solutions is enabling Naples, Fla.-based Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church to engage…
Awards & Charity
ECI Executives Recognized with Regional and International Awards
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenECI Software Solutions has announced its CEO, Ron Books, and President and COO, Trevor Gruenewald, have each been honored with regional and international awards…
CR Events
The Cannata Report’s 34th Annual Awards & Charities Dinner Reaches New Heights
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThe imaging industry is evolving and on the rise and The Cannata Report will celebrate its Elevation at our 34th Annual Awards & Charities Dinner on…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Y Soft Introduces Card Reader 3 MFX for MFPs
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenY Soft Corporation has announced the latest card reader in its family of authentication solutions used on multifunction devices, the YSoft USB Card Reader…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Continuum Report Reveals SMBs Lack Cybersecurity Prevention Tools
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenContinuum has announced new data revealing how managed service providers (MSPs) and their small-and medium-sized business (SMB) customers…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Rochester Software Associates and P3 Integrate Software
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenRochester Software Associates, provider of production print workflow software solutions and P3 Software, has announced the availability of an…
The setting for Sharp’s 2019 dealer meeting was The Wynn in Las Vegas, Oct. 1-3. The theme was OWNiT, which meant owning all the technology in…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Xerox Announces Its Color of the Year
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenXerox has announced its inaugural Color of the Year: Clear. While acknowledging debates as to whether the absence of all colors is itself a color, Xerox…
General Profiles
Dealer Check-in: Chap Breard and Ricki Sullivan, Moebiz, Monroe, Louisiana
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn this installment of “Dealer Check-in,” we touch base with Chap Breard, president and Ricki Sullivan, senior vice president at…
Awards & Charity
Konica Minolta Announces Dealer Award Winners at Dealer Summit
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenKonica Minolta has announced its dealer award winners, recognizing accomplishments during its 2018 fiscal year (April 1, 2018-March 31, 2019)…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Konica Minolta Announces Workplace of the Future Strategic Initiative
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenAt its Dealer Summit in Carlsbad, California, Konica Minolta Business Solutions, U.S.A., Inc. announced its newest strategic initiatives to support the workplace…
EFI Fiery Freeform Create Receives Red Hot Technology Award
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenElectronics For Imaging, Inc. has announced that EFI Fiery FreeForm Create has received the 2019 Red Hot Technology Vanguard Breakthrough Award…
Issue Announcements
Cannata Report Dealer Survey Indicates Continued Adaptation to Change
by CJ Cannataby CJ CannataToday, we begin to roll out the results and analysis of The Cannata Report’s 34th Annual Dealer Survey. As in year’s past, we will reveal this information in…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Metro Sales Launches Employee Stock Ownership Plan
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenJerry Mathwig, founder and president of Metro Sales Inc., has announced that it is transitioning the ownership of Metro Sales Inc. to its employees…
I love fall, the changing colors, the cooler weather, the baseball playoffs, our Annual Dealer Survey. As I’m writing this in early September, I’m lamenting the the…
Celebrating BTA East at Tiro A Segno, our favorite NYC hot spot. Standing, from left to right: Josie Heskje, GreatAmericaFinancial Services; Aaron Dyck, Clover…
The Cannata Report catches up with dealers at BTA East’s 2019 Fall Colors Retreat in New York City. From top to bottom and left to right: CJ Cannata; Jim George,…
The Cannata Report meets with Continuum senior executives Michael George, CEO; and John Schweizer, VP of office technology; at the IT services provider’s…