At our 34th Awards & Charities Dinner in November, long before the current COVID-19 pandemic, we asked thought leaders from various segments…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Canon Medical Begins Development of COVID-19 Genetic Testing System
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenCanon U.S.A., Inc. has announced that Canon Medical Systems Corporation (Canon Medical) announced the start of development of a rapid…
Breaking News, Business & FinanceOp-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: More Best Practices and Commentary on Coping During the COVID-19 Crisis
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThis is our final Business as Unusual post until next week. The following best practices and commentary were shared with us earlier this week. We…
Marco’s Doug Albregts Identifies the Biggest Challenge Facing Dealers in 2020
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenAt our 34th Awards & Charities Dinner in November, long before the current COVID-19 pandemic, we asked thought leaders from various…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Business As Unusual: More Best Practices and Check-ins from Dealers on Conducting Business in the COVID-19 Era
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenDavid Byrne and the Talking Heads were right, this ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco, this ain’t no fooling around. And that musical interlude brings us…
Supplies Network’s Sarah Custer on the Biggest Challenge Facing Dealers in 2020
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenAt our 34th Awards & Charities Dinner in November, we asked thought leaders from various segments of the industry—OEMs, dealers, software…
The ITEX Education & Exposition (ITEX) trade show, set to be held on April 14 and 15 in Orlando, announced today it has been postponed due…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Business As Unusual: Life and Business Continuity in the Time of COVID-19
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThis is the second installment in our ongoing series of Business as Unusual. On Monday I reached out to various dealers and companies to…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Business As Unusual: the Cannata Report Monitors the Impact of COVID-19 on Our Industry
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenLast Monday I flew to Pittsburgh from Philadelphia to interview Deb and Joe Dellaposta of Doing Better Business (DBB) for our monthly CR…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
EFI Names New Ex Kodak Executive Vice President & GM
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenElectronics For Imaging, Inc. has named printing technology executive Evandro Matteucci vice president and general manager, Building Materials…
You can access The Cannata Report’s March 2020 issue PDF as prompted toward the upper left-hand corner of the’s…
Op-Ed & Commentary
Frankly Speaking: Another Source for Wide Format Inkjet Consumables
by Frank G. CannataFor the last four years we have attempted to make our audience aware of the looming importance of industrial print. We have explored this from…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Canon Ranked First in U.S. A3 Market Share Per IDC
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenCanon U.S.A., Inc. has been ranked the Number One Market Share position in all U.S. A3 laser multifunction printer segments, according to IDC’s…
Last summer, I started receiving notifications on my desktop computer that Microsoft would no longer provide updates for Windows 7 after the first of the year. When…
Frank G. Cannata (seated, far right) participated in a panel discussion focused on OEM technologies and trends at Select Dealer Group’s meeting…
Perry ProTech CEO Barry Clark (left) with Frank G. Cannata during The Cannata Report’s recent visit to Perry ProTech’s Fort
Wayne, Indiana… -
CJ Cannata (far left) participated in the third annual Ski for Hope in Vail, CO, February 11-13, sponsored by
Supplies Network… -
CJ Cannata (center) and Clover Imaging Group’s Aaron Dyck (left) and Matt McGuire celebrate after a video shoot in Chicago last month…
Entering 2020, representatives from the MFP manufacturers have revealed their resolutions. Each company’s policy is to provide products and solutions that adapt…
Technology Trends
European Headlines: You Say Secure Printing, I Say Secure Printing
by Petra Dienerby Petra DienerNot only am I living on each side of the pond for a couple of months at a time every year, I also work on both sides of the printing industry: office imaging and digital…
It’s hard to believe that EFI Connect 2020 was the 21st year of the conference—and even harder to believe I have been to 20 of them! This year’s event attracted 800 people…
In the second installment of our Virtual Panel Series, industry thought leaders discuss an array of issues that impact every dealer, including the current rate…
All Covered’s network security used to be an optional managed services’ offering. Not anymore. “Our position is, if you don’t sign…
A few months after I had a call with a CIO acquaintance of mine about data security at his service bureau, I happened to meet up with him at a conference. Not much gets by this…
There is more to security today than just monitoring printer/copier usage, safeguarding customer networks, and protecting against cybercriminals…