Late yesterday we received word that OKI Data Americas will no longer distribute printer hardware under the OKI brand to the North, Central, and…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Epson Unveils Two Label Applicators for Its ColorWorks CW-C6000P Label Printer
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenEpson has announced two label applicators have been designed specifically for the ColorWorks®CW-C6000P on-demand label printer with peel-and…
Awards & Charity
Canon Earns Four Keypoint Intelligence-Buyers Lab Summer 2020 Pick Awards
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenCanon U.S.A., Inc. is receiving four Keypoint Intelligence – Buyers Lab Summer 2020 Pick awards: Two for imageCLASS printers, one for an imageRUNNER…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Canon Launches New imagePRESS Digital Color Presses
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenCanon U.S.A., Inc. has launched the new imagePRESS C10010VP / C9010VP digital color presses. When asked about their fleet of engines, John…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
NEXERA Hires David D’agostino As Director of Sales
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenNexera has announced the hiring of David D’Agostino as director of sales for Nexera. D’Agostino’s role will be to help drive sales for Nexera within…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
PaperCut Software TABS Former ImageNet Exec As Go-to-Market Lead in Cloud Solutions
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenPaperCut Software has announced that Matt Schotten, formerly of ImageNet Consulting, has joined PaperCut as the Go-to-Market lead in Cloud…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Konica Minolta Presents Personalize App for Customizing MFP Panel
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenKonica Minolta has announced the Personalize app with Follow-You Persona Service, a solution that allows users to customize the MFP panel on i-Series devices according…
An Incovenient Truth About Printer Security Proves Accurate
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIf you don’t think printer security is important, maybe it’s time to pay attention to the experts. Companies who introduce new products like…
Awards & Charity
Coordinated Business Systems Achieves Unique Accomplishment
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenCoordinated Business Systems has been recognized as a Kyocera Premier Dealer. This marks 20 consecutive years Coordinated has earned this recognition…
It seems as tragedy surrounds us as we deal with a virus that has killed close to 180,000 people, social unrest made ever more tragic by senseless…
Do we really want to put ourselves on the spot and pick our favorite stories from our recently published July/August production print issue? You bet…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Canon U.S.A. Enhances Cloud Version of Uniflow
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenCanon U.S.A., Inc. has announced enhancements to the cloud version of uniFLOW with the release of uniFLOW Online 2020.2. The new version adds…
Technology Trends
Business As Unusual: The Impact of Enterprise Mobility on Security
by Oscar SanchezGiven the unpredictable nature of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many employees across the country will continue to work from home for…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
ecoprintQ Signs on As Oberon Americas Distribution Partner
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenecoprintQ Inc. has announced that they have entered into a new agreement with Oberon Americas Inc. With this new partnership, ecoprintQ is a regional…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Toshiba Introduces A4 e-STUDIO MFPs
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenToshiba America Business Solutions has announced the introduction of its e‑STUDIO 330AC/400AC series. “Toshiba’s new e-STUDIO systems harness…
Awards & Charity
Business As Unusual: Tweet in Your Business As Unusual T-Shirt for Charity
by CJ Cannataby CJ CannataWe think we speak for everyone in the industry when we say we can’t wait to get back to business as usual. As we navigate the challenges presented…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Konica Minolta Installs MGI JetVarnish 3DS at Photo Craft Imaging
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenKonica Minolta has announced the installation of its MGI JETvarnish 3DS with iFOIL at Photo Craft Imaging in Boulder, Colorado. Photo Craft, a…
Technology Trends
Flashback Friday: The Dealer of the Future a Year Plus Later
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenNo one could have predicted the COVID-19 pandemic and what we are experiencing now back in March of 2019 when we published the article…
Economics & Business
Business As Unusual: Hiring and Firing in the COVID-19 Era
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenThis might not be the best time to be looking for a job in the office technology industry. But then again, maybe it is. It depends on how valuable you…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Konica Minolta Introduces New High-volume Color MFP
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenKonica Minolta has announced the latest addition to its bizhub i-Series, the bizhub C750i. The A3 high-volume color MFP is designed to provide…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Pulse Technology Expands Tech Team with New Account Manager
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenPulse Technology has named Leo Khodos of Lake Zurich, IL to the position of account manager. In this role, he will work with a number of Pulse…
Awards & Charity
Lexmark MFPs Earn Buyers Lab Summer 2020 Pick Award
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenLexmark has announced that Keypoint Intelligence/Buyers Lab honored the Lexmark CS431dw and the Lexmark CX431adw with their Summer…
Office Technology Acquisitions & Mergers
Konica Minolta Acquires Cybersecurity Consulting Company
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenKonica Minolta, together with its IT Services division, All Covered, has announced the acquisition of Depth Security, a cybersecurity consulting company…
Breaking News, Business & Finance
Flex Technology Group Acknowledged by Inc. Magazine As a Fastest-growing Private Company
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenFlex Technology Group has been included in Inc. Magazine’s annual list of Americas’ fastest-growing private companies for an eleventh consecutive…
Technology Trends
Flashback Friday: Revisting Our Production Pioneers
by Scott Cullenby Scott CullenIn the spirit of our July/August production print issue, let’s take a trip back to September 2019. Those were simpler times when we could come…