Pictured above at the Sharp Dealer Roadshow in Anaheim: CJ Cannata (from left), John Sheehan & Bob Madaio from Sharp, and our new Editor-in-Chief Mark Vruno. Click here to read Mark’s recap of the event.
Bowling with Sharp dealers in Downtown Disney were Kevin Marshall of Copy Link, Inc. (San Diego) and Casey Lowe of Capital Business Machines (Olympia, Washington).
From left: Christian Salas of Spectrum Technologies (El Paso, Texas), Mark Vruno of The Cannata Report, Phil Houser of DSI – Document Solutions, Inc. (Albuquerque, New Mexico), and Ted Gruener of Distribution Management (St. Louis).
Nicole Schweizer of GreatAmerica Financial and CJ, our president/CEO.
Patrick Furey of Sharp (from left), Casey Lowe of Capital Business Machines, Ken Anderson of Sharp, and boss Jeff Ashida.
Jake Richards of Capital Business Machines with CJ.
FLEX Technology Group East
Ron Nielson, executive VP of sales and marketing, FLEX Technology Group and president of FLEX Technology Group California.
Jim Coriddi, chief dealer officer, Ricoh USA, with FLEX’s Ron Nielson.
Former FLEX CFO Karen Roscher, who recently retired.
FlexTG Customer Case Study, hosted by Jeff Wilson, featured Tony Perkin, CIO of WorldPac, and Kayce Coleman, senior supply chain specialist.
“Stacking the Deck,” moderated by Flex TG Marketing VP Rob Stevenson (far right); President of FlexTG OG Corey Rivard (far
left); President of FlexTG California Ron Nielson (center); and Sales VP of FlexTG East Collin Thomas.
Justin Rebhun, president of FLEX Technology Group Texas.
FLEX CEO Frank Gaspari leading the charge for his tech group troops.
Musical entertainment was provided by the Austin Skinner Band.